In 2025 over 25,000,000 million people in Southern Africa are facing starvation. Dry weather as well as flooding have ruined crops. Now US Aid is being limited and pulled back by the USA government. This leaves catastrophic and harrowing effects on populations needing food to live.

The World Food Program does not have enough food and governments are turning to Food4Africa, pleading for help.

Our organization has fed 18,000 -30,000 children a day for 20 years, about 60,000,000 meals but in 2025 we are being asked first for 2,500,000 meals a day and this month for $7,500,000 a day. Our factory can wrap up with resources and donors to provide 2,500,000 so this is our target. Please help us today

Food4Africa nutraceutical porridge is a pre-cooked, well-balanced combination of vitamins and minerals (including trace elements such as Selenium), carbohydrates, protein and cereal fats that work together in a synergistic manner to maximize nutrient intake on a daily basis. It is constituted as an instant breakfast cereal, and has a nutritional density, 29 times that of refined maize.

Nutraceutical Porridge is packed in 1kg packets to ensure product quality right up to the actual dispensing.  One packet will feed a child under the age of 6 for 40 servings. It has a shelf life of one year.

Nutraceutical Porridge is an energy boosting vitamin and mineral enriched cereal, which ensures that the nutrient intake is more than sufficient to supply more that the body’s daily requirement, thereby allowing excess nutrients to be stored in the bone marrow and liver.

Nutraceutical Porridge, if consumed daily, will eliminate the know nutrient deficiencies as confirmed by the National Food Consumption Survey, i.e. Iron, Zinc, and Vitamin A deficiency.

All this builds a healthy generation, children will not be: ron deficient taking away the lethargic feeling, concentration in school is improved and mental and fine motor co-ordination is greatly enhanced