We each have a resume that is instantly meant to inform a reader with how good we are at what ever it s that we impressively write.

Mine would highlight  hospitality - it would have to because of Sanara

Mine would highlight humanitarian - because of the importance today We each have a resume that is instantly meant to inform a reader with how good we are at what ever it s that we impressively write.

Mine would highlight  hospitality - it would have to because of Sanara

Mine would highlight humanitarian - because of the importance today that I put on my personal and global efforts.

Mine would highlight finance and deal making, brands and marketing/distribution . Of course it would if I have been involved in starting a number of companies relating to live experiences, curative conscious containers, co-oping in of large audiences, media and technology and managing and/or promoting superstar creatives, personalities, business and even global leaders who, because they wanted me around, triggered me to living and working all over the world during 40 years.of business., actually a little bit longer as I started side lucrative businesses during my school days. My childhood love of horses and then horse racing , got me to learn to understand risk, odds and mitigating risk and overnight  led me to set up a hospitality company at 24 which led to getting an event pretty right for ten paying executives that led to 100, to 1000 to millions, and importantly how to put effective servicing teams together to make things memorable.   

What it wouldn’t say is the learnings and failed attempts along with the successes that define experientially the chapters of my life.

What I have learned along my way of attempting and doing a lot of mostly interconnected things is there is what I know I know and what I don’t know I know, which you or God Knows

However as the poet Rumi said - Beyond the reasoning of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there.

This has led to ever deepening awareness to feelings of compassion and forgiveness of judgment, and ultimately self forgiveness of self judgment. My worth and love ability are a given, as are yours. They can never be portrayed  in an outlined story of a resume.

For me - There is nothing more expensive than ignorance

For me- The issue is never the issue. It’s how I am responding to the issue which is the issue.

What is a given is that what ever I write HERE, (and yes I am the author of a book, HERE) would not tell your story. AND if you are reading this now it’s probably because you have come to this page resonating or at least curious, which means we are likely connected somehow in common heart for common purpose. The question is are our resumes designed to connect in common rhythm, collaborating with co-commitment to circulate, putting our irrevocable talents and activating passions into our next use of our precious time.that may help define each of destiny and legacy and be of help to our Planet!

“What If we choose to do this - to be this”.  It might lead us to writing another line to our resumes. I put on my personal and global efforts

Mine would highlight finance and deal making, brands and marketing/distribution . Of course it would if I have been involved in starting a number of companies relating to live experiences, curative conscious containers, co-oping in of large audiences, media and technology and managing and/or promoting superstar creatives, personalities, business and even global leaders who, because they wanted me around, triggered me to living and working all over the world during 40 years.of business., actually a little bit longer as I started side lucrative businesses during my school days. My childhood love of horses and then horse racing , got me to learn to understand risk, odds and mitigating risk and overnight  led me to set up a hospitality company at 24 which led to getting an event pretty right for ten paying executives that led to 100, to 1000 to millions, and importantly how to put effective servicing teams together to make things memorable.   

What it wouldn’t say is the learnings and failed attempts along with the successes that define experientially the chapters of my life.

What I have learned along my way of attempting and doing a lot of mostly interconnected things is there is what I know I know and what I don’t know I know, which you or God Knows

However as the poet Rumi said - Beyond the reasoning of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there.

This has led to ever deepening awareness to feelings of compassion and forgiveness of judgment, and ultimately self forgiveness of self judgment. My worth and love ability are a given, as are yours. They can never be portrayed  in an outlined story of a resume.

For me - There is nothing more expensive than ignorance

For me- The issue is never the issue. It’s how I am responding to the issue which is the issue.

What is a given is that what ever I write HERE, (and yes I am the author of a book, HERE) would not tell your story. AND if you are reading this now it’s probably because you have come to this page resonating or at least curious, which means we are likely connected somehow in common heart for common purpose. The question is are our resumes designed to connect in common rhythm, collaborating with co-commitment to circulate, putting our irrevocable talents and activating passions into our next use of our precious time.that may help define each of destiny and legacy and be of help to our Planet!

“What If we choose to do this - to be this”.  It might lead us to writing another line to our resumes.